Thinking about trust in a mundane context usually spurs to me think about trust in the larger existential sense. I don’t know if it’s a symptom of living in a modern world steeped in alienation or just the fact that I’m wacked, but I have this sort of looming cognitive dissonance about matters of trust.
I mean, on the one hand I have this sorta mash-up model of the human being in my mind, with a little Freud and a little Smith and a little Taylor and a little Marx and a little Brown, etc., which, if you follow it to logical conclusions, will tell you that you should never trust anyone, ever, like.
But my day-to-day interaction with people is based on the belief that people are almost always trustworthy, as long as you take into account their finitude.
‘course, what I’m comparing there is really a model of a model to a model, so there really is no conflict there in a strictly-typed sense. Hmmm, that’s actually a really good thing to keep in mind… Glad I wrote this post, even if it appears to be a smear of bullshit from a reader’s perspective.