C’mon EETimes, aren’t you supposed to be a respectable publication? Why are you posting garbage that claims that a triple-core 3.2GHz 128-bit vector unit can deliver 1Tflop? I mean, I could be wrong in my off-the-cuff calculations, but I’d have to be wrong by a factor of 78 or so if 1Tflop is true.
Or are you actually including the ATI chip in the total, and using the vastly inflated claims of the video chip market to beef up the numbers?
Anyway, I suppose I don’t really care since I don’t really have the proclivity to believe that the computing world has suddenly been inverted and now every teen with $200 will show up on TOP500, but still, one place I don’t figure I’d see crazy numbers like that is EET.
EETimes.com – Custom PowerPC drives new Xbox 360 to Tflop performance